5 Hidden Gems in the Python Standard Library: Tips and Tricks for Power Users

5 Hidden Gems in the Python Standard Library: Tips and Tricks for Power Users


Python is a versatile and popular programming language, and its standard library is full of useful tools and modules that can save you time and make your code more efficient. In this article, we’ll explore five hidden gems in the Python standard library that are worth knowing about, especially if you’re a power user looking to take your Python skills to the next level.

Focus Keyword: Python Standard Library

itertools : A Treasure Trove of Iteration Tools

  • chain: combines multiple iterables into a single sequence
  • product: generates all possible combinations of elements from multiple iterables
  • permutations: generates all possible permutations of a sequence

functools : Higher-Order Functions and Memoization

  • partial: creates a new function with some default arguments
  • lru_cache: decorator for implementing memoization in functions

collections: Enhanced Data Structures

  • Counter: dictionary subclass for counting occurrences of items
  • deque: double-ended queue with fast append and pop operations
  • namedtuple: subclass of tuple with named fields

enum: Enumerations in Python

  • Define custom enumeration types
  • Iterate over the values of an enumeration
  • Use value and name attributes to access the value and name of each enumeration member

pathlib: Object-Oriented Path Manipulation

  • Path objects for manipulating file and directory paths
  • glob method for matching file patterns
  • resolve method for resolving symbolic links


These are just a few examples of the useful tools and modules you can find in the Python standard library. Whether you’re working with data, manipulating files and directories, or creating custom enumeration types, the standard library has something to offer for every Python programmer. Take some time to explore and see what other hidden gems you can find.

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