Python-questions Given a positive integer ‘n’ less than or equal to 26, you are required to print the below pattern.

Python Question – 1

Alphabetic Patterns

Given a positive integer ‘n’ less than or equal to 26, you are required to print the below pattern.

Sample Input: 5

Sample Output :











import string n = int(input())
# Write your code below
x=string.ascii_lowercase list1=[] for i in range(n): a='-'.join(x[i:n]) list1.append((a[::-1]+a[1:])) width=len(list1[0]) 
# or width=(4*n)-3 ; this is basically the maximum width (row length) of the matrix 
for i in range(n-1,0,-1): print(list1[i].center(width,'-')) for i in range(n): print(list1[i].center(width,'-')

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