ClickUp and. Monday

ClickUp vs. Monday: What will be the most effective in 2022? (Detailed Breakdown)

ClickUp and. Monday

ClickUp is different. Project Management Software Overview.

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ClickUp is cloud-based project management software that allows teams and companies to manage their projects from a central point.


It replaces every productivity software used across many departments and lets collaboration happen with an integrated application for documents, tasks chat, goals as well as team administration. And it’s completely customizable.

It can be used for workflow management, project management, control, handling email marketing campaigns, managing the documents of your business marketing and other tasks and the storage of files, managing your website workflows, and so on.

Start by using the ClickUp.

Monday: is a visual software for managing projects that gives you the ability to collaborate on projects in collaboration with your team. In addition it assists you in staying focus on your daily tasks and help you achieve your goals every month, weeklong and each year.


If you’re launching a brand innovative product, creating a major event, or even writing an article, you can make Monday your day to plan, build and share your ideas.

Its primary capabilities include project planning and inventory tracking and management of resources time tracking, workflow automation goals tracking, an easy-to-use interface, and much more.

Start by registering with

ClickUp against. A detailed comparison of Project Management Tools.

Let’s look at how this two popular software for managing projects tools contrast in this comprehensive Monday vs. ClickUp comparison.

1. Assignment Management as well as Project Management.

Monday and ClickUp are two of the most viewed tools for managing projects in the SaaS market right now. Both come with an agile approach to project management and team collaboration. file sharing, the ability to manage multiple tasks at the same time and much more.

Let’s take a look at them in greater detail.


ClickUp is an effective tool for managing projects that allows you to accomplish tasks. Organise and share the tasks of your team at any time, from any device. Track progress and stay focused from any devicewhether tablet, desktop or mobile. Plus, a lot more.

The main focus is their tasks managing and project management features.

At the beginning you’ll be asked to choose an option for your dashboard , based on your preferences, experiences and industry. ClickUp provides around 128 templates that are pre-designed.


The good news is that they come with an already-designed template for project management which comes with a variety of layout options such as customized statuses, fields that can be custom as well as other features.


The whole platform functions as a structure, allowing you to split your work into manageable groups.

The parts in the hierarchical structure (from the top to the bottom) comprise:

  • Workspaces
  • Spaces
  • Lists

Workspaceis the equivalent of your office where all work-related activity takes place. You will also have spaces in the Workspace that is used for categorizing high-level aspects of your tasks and projects. This could include different kinds of teams, types of work departments, and much more.

You can also organize your tasks into lists that will aids in separating tasks.

If this model for managing projects is familiar to you You’ve probably come across similar structures in projects management software such as Trello. If you’d like to categorize lists that are related it’s possible to put them into folders.

Here’s a quick glimpse into ClickUp’s dashboard:


Here’s the tasks that are available within”Spaces “Spaces:”



It is also possible to assign tasks to any number of team members you like, define deadlines and status assign recurring tasks, assign priority using colored flags. You can also add comments directly into the tasks to ensure everyone is informed of the discussions.


Another crucial ClickUp function can be found in “Views.”

Different perspectives allow you to visualize your tasks in various ways. You can select the format of view that best fits your needs.

Different views include View from the List, Kanban boards Docs view, Box view, Calendar view Mind Maps, and the Gantt view.

For example, Gantt charts allow you to visualize timelines for projects and tasks’ dependencies. They also allow you to monitor projects in the form of “Done,” “Completed,” or “in the process of being completed.”


ClickUp also lets you embed tables, charts as well as data from other sources such as Google Sheets.

It also allows time-tracking across multiple devices to track meetings with clients and development, quality assurance delivery, and other projects. It also provides precise time estimates based on the tasks involved as well as inputs such as the number of people working, complexity, and the priority.

To enable time-tracking, you’ll need go to ClickApps on the left side of your navigation bar.


It is possible to add lists, folders of tasks, subtasks, or folders to establish dependencies between tasks as well as visualizations to ensure the timely completion of projects. This is particularly useful for scrum teams using Agile.

The project management software assists you in cost tracking, budget management and project planning, as well as requirements management as well as resource management. Additionally, it allows teams to keep track of the latest progress and keep an eye of the progress of the project.

They have a variety of resources available such as onboarding videos self-help materials, demos webinars, etc. They can be helpful in the event that you are stuck or need to take more of a dive.

The Monday app is well known as a project administration tool. It gives you a comprehensive way to organize and complete tasks, and allows you to collaborate with the entire team. review progress, pinpoint issues, and solve problems faster.

Like ClickUp, also comes with a collection of workflow templates you can utilize to create your own workspace. The library includes five templates for project management that are ready to use and.

Five templates built-in to project management comprise:

  • Work schedule
  • Single project
  • Advanced single-project
  • Advanced project management
  • Requests for project approvals and requests for projects

Each template is suitable for various situations.

Check out The “Advanced Template for Project Management” template, for example.

The template can help you manage difficult assignments and projects. It streamlines and efficiently manages the tracking of budgets, projects as well as risk management and resource allocation.


You can also transfer data from other platforms such as Asana, Google Excel, Jira, Zendesk, Trello, Basecamp, and more.

You can then assign tasks to several team members at once assign tasks to different team members, prioritize them, set deadlines, color coded labels to identify an item, and track the progress of a task in real-time.

Monday is a great way to prevent missed deadlines by setting reminders and notifying you of important tasks. The shared “weekly assignments” module gives transparency on things that must be completed each week and assists in maintaining the accountability.

It is also possible to visualize your work space and work tasks by using various perspectives and layouts.

It features Gantt views, Timeline view, Files view, Map view View of workload View in Chart, Kanban boards, List view, and much more.


There are many views you can add on your workstation board and they’ll be visible at the top of your board.

Managers are able to clearly see the workload of the team and assign daily tasks and take steps to eliminate dependency and avoid disagreements and conflicts.

They may also apply specific tags to specific tasks. A simple search with the tag will allow an immediate progress information on tasks that are tagged.

Winner The Draw is on.

Each Monday as well as ClickUp enable daily tasks to be easier to access and more efficient. They also allow different views to see workspaces and collaborate with teams and make it simple to assign filters prioritizing, sorting, and sort tasks.

Additionally What’s more, both PM software solutions can manage projects for teams and companies of all sizes, such as tiny teams, remote teams HR teams of large size and many more.

2. The process of tracking goals and projects.

The tracking of time against task items and working together with team members is essential to the management of projects.

Let’s take a look at the way ClickUp and Monday stack up in this area.


ClickUp allows you to create goals and divide them up into quantifiable goals, and monitor the progress in real time. You can assign a name for your goal, choose an end date and grant the ability to access as many users as you’d like.

You can also create the goal’s owners to meet specific objectives in order to ensure accountable. If you’d like reviewers or observers to monitor the goal, you could give them access.

You can also explain your goals and the best way to get there.

The next step is to break down your goals into goals. The targets are the tangible outcomes that, if they are achieved they will also fulfill the goal.

You can select the type of target you’d like to utilize. A few of the kinds of targets to pick from include numbers (for instance the scale 1-10) either true or false (done/not completed) as well as percentages and many more.

You can also assess your goals with currency or tasks.


It’s a fantastic method to break tasks down into goals and goals in addition to setting milestones and tracking the progress.

It is also possible to create an outline of your most important tasks by visiting the home page. There’s also an overview of your to-do checklist, along with schedule reminders and tasks for each day.


These tiny items can useful when performing multiple tasks at the same time.

ClickUp can also make it simple to monitor and evaluate the goals and outcomes. It allows you to compare strategies as well as actions (tasks) objectives as well as the time it will take the team to accomplish them.

It’s not just about subtasks and tasks Not just subtasks and tasks, but ClickUp can also allow managers to create and monitor the progress between milestones important to them and identify any issues and, if they exist, provide rapid solutions, and make sure that the goals are met.

There are a variety of tools that will help you decide the way your team members use their time.

For example, there’s an “Roll-Up” option that will show you the sum of time spent on various activities and tasks.


You are also able to edit your time, the addition or subtraction of time from your tracker at any time.

ClickUp users may also integrate additional widgets (ClickApps) to manage their time such as:

  • time in statusIt displays how long was spent in each status on tasks that are shared across your Workspace.
  • Time Estimates Include time estimates to all tasks in your work space.
  • Time Estimates Rollup This calculates the total estimate of time by analyzing the subtasks of the task.

It is also possible to make and modify Time Sheets inside the dashboard. This lets you keep track of time per days, weeks, months or any other range you wish to customize. It lets you set time goals or group them by dates, or even look at each entry to see the time spent.

In addition to regular project time tracking, ClickUp also helps you monitor and divide project billable and non-billable ones and also provide estimates.

ClickUp’s no-cost Google Chrome Extension is a further bonus. It allows you to keep track of your work and keep track of time from your desktop mobile device, or web browser.

This tool allows you to separate different verticals into distinct workspaces for better tracking progress. Each workspace can be divided into different boards.

Shareable boards are available are shared with external members, personal boards that are for private use, as well as boards that are accessible to members of your team.

The boards also have columns, and you can also add a column to track progress. The column will show the complete percent of each subject.


It is possible to move tasks to different groups such as scheduled tasks, completed tasks, or backlog items. The progress of the task will change according to how the project is progressing. For instance, if you indicate your columns of status with “Done,” the progress bar will show 100% percent.

The dashboard clearly details the work to be completed and the performance of every team member. It is possible to track performance of each deadline.

There’s also the Timeline view, which visually shows your project’s timeline and dates. It also provides an idea of how long it takes to complete an assignment or task to help you make plans in advance.


There’s also a different “Workload View” that provides you with the ability to see the ways in which your team’s tasks are broken down.


It is possible to determine the team member who is over-working their capabilities and assign tasks to them according. If necessary, you may even change deadlines or assign them to someone else.

Monday’s template library includes the “Resource Management” workflow to help you monitor and manage every project’s asset, which includes employees.

Winner: ClickUp.

ClickUp stands out as the winner thanks to its wide range of tools for managing time and other widgets.

3. Automation.

Automation of workflows is a great way to increase productivity, without extending the work hours. It assists in managing the tasks that are tedious for managing your company.

Let’s look at what ClickUp and Monday stack up here.


The automation feature assists in automating repetitive tasks, which saves time and energy.

ClickUp offers ready-to-use “Triggers as well as Actions” which can be combined and used to automatize the process of managing your project.

You can view the number of automated recipes that are active in the upper right hand corner. You can also modify or delete the recipes however you like. Some great examples include using the same watchers for specific tasks or assigning certain duties to the identical person.

It is possible to browse ready-to-use “Automations” according to various categories, such as statuses, dates, and creation.


The ‘When’ tab set up automation components and functions as trigger. You can select among a variety of triggers that meet the requirements you have.

Once the trigger is activated, the button ‘Then’ is activated. Select from a variety of additional actions that you’d like to do.

You may also create the conditions for automation that will ensure that the automation will not be started unless the prerequisites are satisfied.

For instance, work will only begin when tasks are marked with an “Priority” tag.


You can also modify the workflow automation steps at whenever you’d like.

Furthermore, ClickUp also allows you to build automation using third-party integrations as well as start new projects on Github. For instance, if the deadline for a task changes it is possible to send an SMS or an email notification when the deadline is set for the task.

Monday also offers automated triggers and actions that are pre-defined to assist you in streamlining your tasks.

Like ClickUp You’ll have a plethora of automated actions to pick from , based on various categories. The categories available that are in the automation center are linked to status changes, recurring tasks Deadlines, Items Creation and much other categories.

For instance, if an amount is greater than a certain value, alter the task’s status to something else.

You’ll be able find an automated recipe (a combination of trigger and an action) for almost every need. It can be used to transfer items between boards and remind you of forthcoming deadlines and projects as well as assign tasks and much more.

Managers can also establish dependencies between different items on the board and set conditions for the items. Furthermore it can be used to establish triggers by email or SMS so it is that the manager of the project stays up-to-date with the latest information.

When the job is completed and dependencies are no anymore valid, they can be eliminated.

Winner The Draw is on.

4. Analytics and Reporting.

Reporting is an essential element of any project or project management. It is essential to get an in-depth view into your teams and projects members’ performance to determine their efficiency as well as the amount of time they take as well as other aspects.

But, for reasons that are not clear, no tools for managing projects come with separate analytics and reporting capabilities.

Let’s look at the way ClickUp and Monday fare here.


ClickUp is among the few platforms for managing projects which provide comprehensive reports to help you identify who’s involved in what.

You can also alter the timeframe to view reports that are from a specific time or to sort reports to get an exact view of a specific space.

To begin, you can extend and view projects that have been completed by team members.


Following the “Completed” reports are finished, you are able to review “Worked On” reports.

These reports offer you an understanding of the work of your team members on every task. There are many filters and statuses for tasks to determine which team members worked the most working on each task.

There’s also a report titled “Team Points” that depicts points that are awarded to team members.

It’s sort of like the game of gamification. Each member earns points based on clear notifications, added comments and solved, tasks completed as well as the number of tasks that they have completed.


This report will help you determine who is working more efficiently and delivering better quality work.

There are a myriad of additional reports, including The Who’s Behind Report, Time Tracked report along with the Time Estimation report.

Who’s Behind Report helps you determine who is behind and how they’re slowing down. It’s useful in identifying the cause of roadblocks and enhancing team cohesion.

They can be useful in road mapping as well as making future plans.

Additionally, you can add visually-based reports to your dashboard. They provide a quick summary of your project’s status and tasks to be completed to be completed, the priorities for this week and many more.


ClickUp offers one of the most effective analytics and reporting features of all different project management software platforms available on the market.

However, the majority of advanced reports are available only with an expensive plan. The free version provides access only to information on completed projects.

Monday doesn’t offer reports separately similar to ClickUp However, it offers the “Chart View” that gives you an analytics-focused view that is part of your workspace.

You can select any type of chart from their selection, including Pie charts, the stacked chart and so on.

Let’s look at an example of HTML0:


You can also choose to modify how your chart is broken down.


You can also have an entire overview of the work performed by your team and how it’s split by using the Monday’s Overview of Workload.

Winner: ClickUp.

With more in-depth analytics reporting tools, ClickUp is the clear winner in this case.

5. Third-Party Integrations.

Without the proper third-party application for your project management tool You’ll never be able to achieve real efficiency.

The two ClickUp and Monday are part of an online marketplace that lets you easily include collaboration tools as well as other programs that can be integrated into your software.


ClickUp allows native integration with more than 1,000 third-party tools for business This means that it is compatible with nearly every popular software available.

Its most popular integrations are Dropbox, GitLab, GitHub, Webhooks, Outlook, Google Drive, Vimeo, YouTube, Google Calendar, along with other tools.

It is also possible to create applications and integrations that are custom designed using ClickUp’s API for public use. One option to consider is incorporate it with Zapier to gain access to additional integrations.

Monday is a native integration platform for many of the best CRM software programs for marketing, Software Development tools as well as project management platforms and many more.

The most well-known integrations they have are Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Dropbox, Slack, Zoom, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Excel, Jira, Salesforce, Zapier, OneDrive and more.

You can also integrate automatization with other integrations with Monday’s recipes that are pre-defined. For instance, if the status changes from “Done” from “Done” to “Done,” notify everyone in the #HR Channel on Slack.


Each of these add-ons helps you to reduce your workload and allow you to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time.

Winner The Draw is on.

6. Pricing Plans.


ClickUp provides four pricing models, which include:

  • Individual (Free for life) Individual (Free for life) Unlimited tasks Unlimited users five workspaces with unlimited custom views 100MB storage for files 100 automation recipes each month.
  • Unlimited ($5 per month/billed annually) Unlimited ($5 per month/billed annually). Unlimited tasks with unlimited workspaces Unlimited custom views, unlimited storage, and 1000 automated recipes each month.
  • Business ($9 per month, payable annually) $29 per month/billed annuallyEverything included in the Unlimited plan, plus 10,000 automated recipes each month, time in status, granular timing estimate, folders for goal setting etc.
  • Enterprise (Custom plan) Enterprise (Custom plan) Everything included in the Business plan, plus 250,000 automated recipes every monthly, Tableau web connectors, customer service priority, a dedicated Customer Success Manager, and much more.

clickup-pricing-1 has a range of pricing plans to suit every kind of business from small-scale businesses to large companies.

The five pricing plans on Monday comprise:

  • Individual (Free plan) Individual (Free plan) Up at two seatings, 1,000 items 500MB of storage etc.
  • Basic ($8 per month, payable annually) Basic ($8 per month/billed annually) All features of the Individual plan plus unlimited viewers for free Unlimited boards Unlimited items 200+ templates for projects with twenty column options, iOS and Android mobile apps, priority support etc.
  • Standard ($10 per month) The Standard plan ($10 per month) Includes everything from the Basic plan plus Gantt and Timeline views, Calendar view Access to guests 250 automated activities per month. and the ability to create an interactive dashboard that blends five boards, and more.
  • Professional ($16 monthly) ($16 per month)All features of the Standard plan plus Private board, chart view Formula column track time, and more than 25,000 automatized monthly actions, build an interactive dashboard that blends 10 boards, etc.
  • Enterprise Plans (Quote-based) The Enterprise Plan (Quote-based) Includes everything from the Pro plan, plus Integrations and automation for enterprises multi-level permissions, advanced analytics and reporting customized onboarding, premium support, and a dashboard which combines 50 boards, etc.


The plans are annual (you could save 18% if decide to pay annually instead than paying monthly).

Executive Summary.

The hunt for the most effective software for managing projects isn’t easy. Making the right choice for your requirements is essential for those who run a business or freelancer, startup or a non-profit.

These tools can provide solutions to employees and managers with their tasks and move forward in a more efficient manner.

ClickUp as well as Monday, are two leading brands for project-management tool area. Both provide a wide range of tools for managing projects with ease of use, mobile apps available for iOS and Android with a great level of customization, a comprehensive knowledge base, and videos to assist you in getting started.

You must choose the one that best suits your needs and personal preferences.

Use ClickUp for:

  • You’re looking for detailed information about your project’s progress as well as the efficiency of your team.
  • You’ll need features for tracking time.
  • Advanced automated recipes.

Use Monday when:

  • You require advanced automation features.
  • You require detailed information about your work and resources.
  • You’re an enterprise of medium or large size company.
  • Need help achieving those personal targets.

This summarizes my ClickUp and comparison.

If you’d like to learn more information about ClickUp, take a look at the CheckUp review.

The tool you prefer do you intend to make use of? Tell me in the comments section.

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