Acquire this skill-set effortlessly
How to start a fire pit with wood, The ability to begin a fire is excellent skill to keep in your bag when you own an outdoor fire pit made of wood at your home. It’s quite simple and easy. Find out how to light your fire in a warm place and be sure to look through our collection of fire pits that burn wood once you’re done.
How do you start a fire of wood in the fire pit
To light the fire, you’ll just require four things that are: an igniter, a lighter or kindling, dry firewood. It is possible to purchase special fire-starting wood to make your life easier also, but it’s not an absolute requirement. In this tutorial we’ll assume you’re using the wood that you have available. Also, we’ll suppose that you’re creating an “teepee” fire lay. While there are many different ways to set up a fire this one is simple, straightforward, and most likely the first thought that pops into your head when you are thinking of “building a fire.”
Get started on your fire by using an igniter. This could be any kind of dry and small-sized material that is capable of easily lighting burning hot and rapidly burning. It could be the dry wood shavings, dried leaves as well as paper. The tinder bundle is the foundation for your flame.
After you’ve laid the fire, you can begin building the “teepee” in your fire pit, atop your tinder. Utilize your kindling, shorter sticks or twigs that you have in your yard. Make sure to leave a small gap in the teepee for airflow. This ensures that your fire is getting the oxygen it requires for good combustion. Start with the tiniest piece of wood located in the middle of the teepee. Work toward larger pieces. Then, add a few large pieces of firewood into your teepee.
After you’ve assemble your teepee, you can use your match or lighter to light the fire tinder. The tinder will catch fire quickly and be sufficiently hot to ignite your smaller pieces of firewood. This, in turn, will cause your larger chunks of wood. If you’ve put together your fire correctly and the fire is hot enough to hold the rest of the wood, and that means you can sit back and relax by the fire. In the end, your teepee will collapse but your fire will be sturdy enough to allow you to add more wood to your pile when it is.
What kind of wood is ideal for the fire pit?
Things to think about when choosing the type of firewood you want to use are burning speed, heat output and smoke. Hardwoods such as oak, hickory and ash and maple are usually the most efficient choice for fuel, but they can take longer to ignite. Softwoods such as pine, fir and cedar make excellent fuel too, however they may be more efficient in burning and emit greater smoke levels than hardwoods. Think about using them more to start a fire when you have the option.
Another important aspect to keep in mind is the amount of moisture. If the wood you’re working with isn’t dry, you’ll find it popping, crackling and throwing sparks. It’s due to inadequate burning and the steam pockets that release pressure when they explode. Hardwoods are less likely softwoods to pop and crackle. Are you looking to avoid this issue completely? Utilize kiln-dried, specially designed wood for fireplaces and fire pits.
How long will wood be burned in the fire pit?
The length of time your wood will burn will depend on the type the wood that’s being used for the fire pit. As mentioned earlier hardwoods burn longer than softwoods. This is due to the fact that wood fibers are tidier in hardwood.
If you’re starting your flame using softwood and then sustaining it by using hardwoods, you’ll end up with a wonderful long-lasting, lasting fire. If you’re using 12 to 14-inch logs that are approximately five or four inches across, you’ll use four or five logs each two hours. The fire pit measures three-to-four feet in the diameter. Changes in these variables can alter the duration of your burn, but take the following as an approximate estimation.
What’s the most efficient way to start the flames in a fire pit?
Always have an extra shovel and water on hand to put out your fire. In order to put out the flame, keep in mind three essential elements: water, dirt, and stirring. Add water, and then dirt and mix them until there are no hot embers left. It should be possible to hold your hand on top of the mixture safely when the fire is adequately stoked.
Make sure to put out your fire in a timely manner before you’re ready to call it for the night. Even after the flame “goes out,” embers continue to burn and the fire could rekindle. This could be a problem when you think that the fire has burned out and you leave the pit without a watchful eye.
Upgrade your fire pit experience
Looking forward to a cozy campfire is making us want S’mores. But for now, we’re available to answer your fire pit requests. You can call us via email or phone to speak to one of our product experts. They are available all week from 8 a.m. until five p.m. CT and ready to answer any questions you have regarding wood fire pits or gas fire pits and a variety of other products for your patio you can find on our site. We’re excited to help you.
Nothing is more relaxing than sitting by a warm fireplace that is burning wood following a long and tiring day. It’s a wonderful opportunity to relax, spend time with family and friends, and make memories.
However, before you start taking in your leisure time…
…you must know how to ignite an fire, and ensure that it continues to burn all night.
Finding out how to create your perfect fire isn’t so difficult as you imagine. After reading this article , we are sure that you don’t need to depend on lighter liquids or the flammable liquids to get your fire going.
Fire Pit Safety
Before you start your fire, it’s crucial to ensure safety is the top prioritization. Safety in the fire pit is very vital and if you observe the right guidelines, you’ll be able to avoid costly damages.
A few tips to ensure your fire pit is in a safe environment include:
- Make sure to start your fire with an even surface in order to ensure that the fire does not escape.
- Set your fire pit within 10 to 15 feet away from any structure, home or fence.
- Beware of igniting a fire during conditions of high winds. conditions.
- Maintain a certain distance from children and pets and keep an watch on your pets and children.
- Avoid using propellants, or any other toxic, dangerous products.
- Always keep an eye on your fire regardless of how large the flame.
For more tips and tricks, make sure you read Nationwide’s fire pit safety guide.
Are you eager to ignite the perfect fire and enjoy the soothing sounds of firewood crackling through the night? Let’s get started…
The 4 Steps to Start a Fire in a Fire Pit
If you’ve chosen a safe area for your fire, you’ll need to collect the items you need. Do not worry, the list of items isn’t lengthy, and everything will be easily accessible.
Here’s everything you require to light an fire:
- Fire Starter
There are a variety of fire-starters to pick from. Most commonly, they are matches and kitchen lighters that will accomplish the task, however they can be a bit tedious.
It is also possible to use an electric arc, or a torch lighter made of butane. A majority of people do not have these lying around in their houses and they’re more efficient when it comes to starting an fire in a fire pit and are inexpensive to purchase.
- Tinder
Tinder is the thing you’ll need to ignite your fire. Tinder could come comprised of pine cones, leaves newspaper, newspapers, or tree bark. If it’s clean and non-toxic, it could be used to light your fire.
If we are starting the fire in a pit, we usually utilize this list of fire starters for homemade from Cool of the Wild. There are many homemade tinder alternatives that can effectively start your fire.
- Kindling
Dry sticks will last enough time to ignite your firewood.
The most efficient sticks and twigs tend to be softwoods like cedar, pine poplar, spruce, and poplar.
- Firewood
Logs are the basis of your fire , and they will keep it burning all through the night.
The best kind of firewood is made up of hardwoods such as oak, maple and birch. Make sure they are appropriately seasoned and stacked prior to use..
You’ve got everything you require now is the time to begin the perfect flame.
Start Your Fire
This is the moment you’ve been waiting for: lighting an open flame in a fire pit that is free of any flame-starting fluid or hazardous chemicals.
Let’s go over the steps to ignite the fire in a pit, step by step:
- Make an area in the center of the fire pit using your burning tinder. In general, the pile should be as big as your palm.
- After that, take your tinder and place it on top of your flame at a 35 degree angle, so that it appears like the shape of a pyramid or teepee. Make sure that the structure of your kindling is close enough but leaving a few spaces for airflow.
- Take your fire-starter and light your tinder stack. When your fire starts to burn then it’s time to put in your firewood.
- In the end, begin by placing your well-seasoned firewood into the pit. The firewood’s placement should follow the same shape like your kindling, or in a pyramid or teepee. Make sure the firewood is close enough that the fire remains concentrated but leave small gaps to allow for maximum the airflow.
The image alt=”Wood flames burning from a firepit in backyard.” src=”″/>
Maintain the Flame
The maintenance of the fire in the fire pit is vital in order to keep the flame going strong through the night.
If your firewood is not making it catch fire and the fire is not burning Try adding more firewood and tinder.
Also, take a look at the condition of your wood. If your logs are dark and crumbling, or your flame has stopped burning, you can rotate the firewood further to keep the fire burning.
Always keep an watch on your flame, adding additional dry tinder, wood, or even logs if necessary, and do not suffocate the flame.
Put out a Fire in a Fire Pit
The party has slowed down and you’re ready end the night with the process of establishing and maintaining a good fire in your fire pit. Now is the time to take out the flame in a safe manner.
Here are some tips to follow when setting the fire out in a fire pit
- Get a hose, or a water bucket, and gently sprinkle water over the fire. Be careful not to sprinkle or dump the water as it could cause damage to the fire pit.
- When you’re done sprinklering water and the flame is now ablaze take a shovel and mix the ash flames until you do not hear any more hissing.
- Then, gently rub the ash. If it’s cool, then remove the ash.
For a more comprehensive and detailed guide, check out our article on 3 ways to start an open flame in a pit.
Ready to Start a Fire in Your Fire Pit?
Making the perfect flame is a process that takes time to master however, with enough practice and following the instructions in this article , you’re just one step away from an enthralling flame.
Be aware that security is the most important aspect to consider when beginning a fire. It is always helpful to keep fire pit equipment with you.
If you’re still searching for an ideal fire pit to your outdoor space, be sure you check out our extensive collection of outdoor fire pits and also read our fire pit buying guide so that you can choose the perfect fire pit to fit your space.
Then go outside, ignite your fire and make warm memories with your family and your friends.
Starting A Fire In A Fire Pit
There are a myriad of ways to light an inviting and warm fire within your fireplace. We’d like to share with you the most simple and secure ways to ignite an outdoor fire!
Whatever your choice of fuel There are a variety of methods to ignite the flames. Let us take you through the five most well-known methods of starting a fire starting with wood-based methods and ending with gas feature ignition systems!
Always remember to be safe!
If you are deciding on a location for your fire pit outside It is crucial that you stay clear of closed or unventilated areas as well as overhanging branches of trees. Be sure to have at minimum 36 inches (or 3 feet) of clearance between to the edges of your pit and any structures that could be combustible. Be sure to check and follow your local fire safety laws! Some regions do not allow using a fireplace feature in outdoor spaces (this is applicable to gas and wood burning alternatives).
Take a look at this outdoor Fire Pit Guide by our friend Greg to help you build security, information, and safety about the fire pit you have! *
1. Let’s Get This Fire Started Right Now
The older method to start an fire is simple, but is time-consuming. This is what people learned as children from their parents , or in Scouts. If you’re still not able to master this ability we can teach you how.
Begin by collecting dry firewood (the dryer the more efficient):
- The tinder (pine needles and cedar or birch wood shavings and cattail fluff or even dryer lint)
- Kindling (small small sticks or twigs and wood splinters that are about 1 inch in diameter)
- firewood (seasoned slab wood or logs)
The image alt=”Gathering firewood and kindling for an open fire in the woods.” src=”″/>You don’t have to be a scout to get a fire going, but we can surely help you accomplish this task!
- Start by creating a large pile of hot tinder.
- Then, stack the tinder over the above (smaller chunks first) In a pyramid-like fashion leaving enough space to ignite the tinder.
- Utilizing a long-stemmed fire, ignite your dry brush. (You are able to explore more primitive methods of fire lighting like fire sticks or flint, but we think matches are the most efficient for a backyard setting.)
- Incorporate the larger pieces of the kindling until you’ve got an even flame before adding slabs or logs.
It is necessary to add fuel as time wears into the night to keep your fire going. It is possible to think about making use of long-arm glove for fire as well as log grabpers to secure the firewood. The traditional method of lighting a fire is extremely enjoyable and rewarding for many, giving them the experience of having a truly great outdoor experience!
2. Boo-ya! Let’s be lazy!
This eliminates the gathering of the tinder and sparks!
Pine cones as fire starters (this is your “tinder”) can be located locally or on the internet. You can also find natural varieties from the forest or in your backyard. Be aware that pine cones you can discover outside must be dry to be useful. We strongly suggest Loblolly along with short- or longerleaf pine cones (broad forms with fanned-out scales) as opposed to Sugar pine cones (long and slender, with tightly arranged scales).
Fatwood (consider this as your “kindling”) is made from pine tree stumps that have been split. They are naturally high in resin content. As the wood ages the sap expands and becomes a flammable fire starter.
- Put a dry pine cone on top in your fireplace. It can be lit with an old-fashioned lighter or match.
- Set up a couple of bits of wood in a crisscross design over your pine cone.
- When the flame begins to get stronger and strong, put an unlit fire log or slab wood over.
Continue adding wood to keep the flames. To ensure your safety and security Long-arm gloves for fire are suggested. It’s a quick and easy method of getting the fire going within your fireplace. We are awestruck by the fact that natural pine resin acts as the catalyst to ignite the flames, not the harsh chemical compounds as well as lighter fluid.
3. Logs On Fire
This black burner made of stainless steel is an simple and efficient method in order to set your flame going and running in a matter of minutes even if the wood is damp! This method eliminates the requirement for tinder and firewood! It’s necessary to have a designated fuel line connecting through your fire pit fitted by a security valve as well as an the key that is used to switch-on/off operation. It is also essential to have a log grate that can hold your firewood over the lighter of your log. This ensures that you have the right oxygen flow. This also ensures a safe and a healthier burning!
- Place your firewood in the log grate inside the fire pit. Be sure to turn off the gas when you are doing this!
- If you are ready start the fire then slowly turn the valve key. Gas will be able to enter the lighter for logs and start flowing through the drill’s portholes.
- With a long-stemmed light or match that is placed under the middle of the device and then ignite the flame.
- Make sure to turn on the gas, and then remove your keys as soon as the wood has started to burn!
The propane or natural gas-fueled igniter should be used in accordance to your local fire code. We strongly recommend having an expert gas technician certified to install the device to your specifications, because the installation of fuel lines isn’t easy!
4. Push The Red Button
There may be a problem with having access to wood for your fire, or maybe you have sensitivity to smoke that comes from wood fires. However, you can still have a fire pit to enjoy outside in your living space by installing a gas-powered system! Remember to consult your local fire safety code concerning gas features prior to deciding on installing propane or natural gas fire pit.
Many Our burner and ignition systems are complete in readiness for you gas expert to connect. After the connection is made the operation and maintenance is quite easy. A push-button ignition device contains parts of control within the valve box. It’s powered by batteries which makes it the perfect solution for places where there is no electricity!
- Use the control knob to start the flow of the pilot gas. Then pressing the ignition button to create spark.
- Press the spark button when the ignition of the pilot has occurred. Then, let the valve control knob go within 20 seconds.
- Adjust the knob counterclockwise to illuminate the main burner.
- The flame’s height can be adjusted by changing the knob of the valve. If the flame is not lit, when it occurs the system will shut off gas supply.
- Turning this knob into the OFF setting will shut off the burner and stop the flow of gas.
It is crucial to select the right size burner to match your selection of a traditional or large capacity ignition. The wrong size of a burner can result in dangerous back pressure from liquid propane. The excessive size of the burner could result in a fragile flame size.
5. Where’s The Clicker?
Designed using all safety and practical features with safety and convenience in mind, this new method of lighting a fire in your backyard’s fire pit is possibly one of the easiest ways to use! If you’re looking to have the option of burning gas in your outdoor space, this remote-controlled ignition method is the best way to go! Be sure to keep in mind to check for your local codes for fire safety regarding gas features before deciding the installation of propane or natural gas fire pit. Be sure to find an expert to install the fire pit ignited!
- Utilizing a remote control switch the system on.
- A safety inspection is conducted prior to beginning with the gas flow. In just 5 seconds the igniter on the hot surface is glowing, igniting sparks that ignite the flame of the pilot.
- If the system detects the pilot flame and the gas being pumped into the main burner gets ignited.
- To turn off the system you can use to control the system via remote.
Flame-sensing technology constantly monitors the flame status and internal temperatures/voltage. If the flame becomes removed due to reasons beyond its control the system will shut off all gas flow , and then attempt to restart it automatically. If the restart fails after a few tries, the gas flow is turned off completely.
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After we’ve looked at the five methods to light the fire in your fireplace pit, which do think is the best for you? If you decide to go with gas or wood burning option, you’ll need to ensure that the ignition method is secure and safe. If you’ve not considered an fire lighter for the logs to light your wood-burning fire pit, then you may be interested in giving it a go! It’s an easy efficient, reliable, and reliable method of lighting well-seasoned wood!
4 DIY Fire Starters for the Fire Pit
Sawdust Cupcakes
To make this DIY technique, you might require a bit of shopping if you don’t have an in-house woodworking workshop. You’ll require sawdust, candles as well as something that is flammable to place it in, like muffin wraps in paper or egg cartons made of cardboard, or snack-sized cardboard boxes. Fill the container with sawdust but don’t to pack it too tightly. After that, pour hot wax on top and let it dry. When you’re working with an egg container, it’s possible to slice it into small fire starters when it’s cool.
The sawdust is extremely and also the wax, however the wax will slow down the flame down enough to allow it to be able to capture the fire. You don’t need to limit yourself to sawdust! Paper or cardboard or other flammable material can be used.
Lint and Toilet Roll Fire Starter 
This DIY firestarter idea is similar to the one you saw above but you also get to reuse! Instead of throwing away your old dryer lint away, put it in a shopping bag alongside your paper towel as well as toilet roll rolls. Keep your newspapers, too, or print-outs that are not worth the effort from the office because when it’s time to pack your camping gear and venture to the great outdoors, you’ll be able to use everything!
Place your toilet roll using your dryer lint, you don’t want to make it so tightly packed so that it won’t catch fire. You can then put the rolls of toilet paper with newspaper. Newspaper, or office paper, keeps all the items in place so it’s less difficult to carry. It’s also possible to stuff the inside of your toilet roll with newspapers if you’re running out of the lint.
Second-hand Paper Towels and Cooking Oil
Are you unsure of which to make of all the cooking oil or paper towels? Here’s a suggestion! After dinner, place your old paper towels as well as the cooking oil in an insulated container. The paper towels absorb the oil and both can be extremely flammable and are a great camping fire-starter. Many prefer to delay the process for several days to ensure that the oil can dry and becomes less messy however, you can use this in the campsite to reduce the waste. You can make use of this as a fire starter for your fire pit, too and at the patio or in the camp you’re ready!
The Second Helping of Food Fire Starters
While you can employ several of the strategies above to reuse and recycleitems, you can also do the same similar thing with food. Certain foods can be inflammable, which is the reason why kitchen fires are frequent. You can however use some of the leftovers you have to start a fire! In a paper bag, add the rest of the food that is fire-proof, make an edge and then put the bag on top of your firewood or any other media. Use the fake tip to light the bag, then take a step back!
Want to know what works? Look up some of the most commonly used food fire starters: 
- Potato chips
- Flour
- Coffee creamer dried
- Dried milk
- Peels of orange (plus the scent is fantastic!)
- Peanut shells
It’s more expensive to shop at the supermarket and purchase the components to make a food fire starter, but if you’re at a place where you don’t have enough flour for cooking and you have enough to dispose of keep it! It’s a great addition to the campfire.
Bonus: Essential Oil Pinecone Fire Starter
The outdoors smells wonderful however, often it’s good to give some unique flavor. Making a pinecone-scented fire starter is an excellent method to achieve this and is an easy task. You’ll require pinecones, thread as well as wax along with essential oils. To do this, it’s recommended to buy candles without scents or wax from a craft shop so it’s possible that the smell of candle isn’t in conflict with the scent of the oil.
Make your wax melt in a separate saucepan, after that, add essential oils you prefer. To get a more intense scent you can add additional oil! After the wax is melt, tie a piece that wraps around your pinecone. Then dip it into the wax. After the pinecone has been thoroughly coated, hang it to let the wax set. Some DIY crafters opt to coat it multiple time, however it’s all up to you to decide the number of fire starters you intend to make!
Once the wax is dry, you’re now ready to go! Simply pack them (carefully to ensure that the wax is intact) and then head out.
I had originally intended to name this article “How to Start a Fire Pit Without Lighter Fluid,” however, I decided to choose something a bit more subtle and more on the mark.
If you are unable to fill your backyard fire pit with lighter fluid or other liquids that are flammable throw in a match and enjoy the warm warmth, what else can you do, you think?
Do not be afraid. The art of learning how to ignite an outdoor fire pitthe proper way (meaning the safest way) isn’t as difficult as you might think. Be aware that we’re talking about wood-burning fire pits in this post . I’ll go over fire pits that are safe to light with propane fire pits in a later article.
In short This is how you begin the flame pit (read further for more details):
- Start by placing the tinder in a small heap on near the base of your pit. Form a an edifice of teepees on top of the tinder pile
- Light the tinder slowly while waiting for the kindling to begin to burn
- After the kindling has started burning, you can add dried or seasoned split firewood logs, one at a time and in a way that permits proper airflow between the logs preferring to use a teepee, log cabin or pyramid.
- Add additional logs once the fire starts to diminish be cautious, as the fire logs can move, causing the embers and other debris that is burning beyond the limits that of your fire pit
Before you start your fire, be aware of your surroundings. Make sure that your fire pit is located in the proper spot far from any structures and other sources of fuel that you might not have thought of and that it is in compliance with the local fire codes and HOA covenants (if you are a member of an HOA).
Preparing to Start A Fire Pit
In order to start an fire in a pit, you’ll require dry kindling and tinder, seasoned firewood, something to begin the fire like lighters or matches as well as a water supply to help in an emergency.
The use of log tongs and heat-resistant glove(s) are recommended to anyone who is responsible for taking care of the flame. Make sure you don’t wear clothing that is loose and could expose you to injuries from an unintentionally flaming spark from the pit.
What is Tinder?
In the event of lighting for your fireplace, the tinder is an easily lit and quickly-burning fuel source which gets your kindling, and ultimately your logs burning.
Tinder can come in many forms, ranging that is made of newspapers, fatwood shavings pine needles bark (birch bark is the most effective IMHO), leaves and leaves., as long that whatever you choose to use remains dried at the time of use.
I’m a big fan of this idea that Wikihow has suggested which uses the lint that comes from a clothes dryer, and cardboard tubes leftover from toilet paper rolls. These are items you’re likely to dispose of in the end, so why not create an inventory of a few items to start your fire pit moving a lot quicker.
What is Kindling?
The process of making kindling is basically the branches, sticks or twigs as well as small pieces of wood that, when ignited, burn for a long time enough to start your fire pit primary fuel source (your wood firewood) running.
Softwoods generally can be used as a kindling and tinder; wood options like poplar, pine cedar and spruce are choices which work great.
What is Seasoned Firewood?
It is firewood that is cut and stored in a location that allows it to dry until the point that its moisture content is at least 25 percent or less. 20% or less is ideal.
The process of seasoning firewood could take anywhere between six months and three years, based on the kind of wood.
Make sure you have well-seasoned firewood, especially to be used in fire pits is crucial since it burns fast and stays lit. It also burns cleaner and hotter than firewood that hasn’t been properly seasoned or dried.
is lighter than “green” counterparts; see the pieces of firewood
marked by red arrows in the picture in the image above for a great example
The seasoning of beech, oak, maple, and beech firewood are fantastic choices in the selection of wood to fire your pit. Read my post Best Wood for Burning in Your Fire Pit to see my best choices for firewood.
Like everything else do, you should look around for the most affordable price so that you can know the prices in your region. Prices for firewood that is in season and delivery costs can vary significantly from one supplier to the next.
If these kinds of wood aren’t accessible on your property or you’re not interested in cutting, stacking and adding seasoning to your existing woods, search for local suppliers with air-dried or kiln wood options for firewood.
They may also provide softwoods that are seasoned to satisfy your need for kindling.
What is Kiln-Dried Firewood?
Kiln-dried wood is created by putting green wood into an kiln that is specifically designed that allows for a faster method of decreasing the amount of moisture to not more than 25%, as stated earlier and to the point that it can be burned effectively.
Another advantage can be the fact that insects are not a problem when drying this is a nice benefit when you intend to keep at least a portion of your wood in a closed area.
The majority of firewood providers don’toffer dried kiln-fired wood at the moment, so you’ll have to look around if this sounds appealing to you.
For more details on the topic of firewood that has been kiln dried I have written an article on the subject. Five Great Benefits of Kiln-Dried wood for your fire Pit.
Firestarter Options
If you’re like me, you are extremely annoyed by the kitchen light bulbs that never run out of fuel. Don’t keep them lit for long. You can also don’t think about using them outdoors in the slightest breeze.
After a very gruelling Fourth of July celebration one year sitting on the lawn with a look of a jacka** trying to ignite fireworks for everyone with the light breeze I started a thorough research into other firestarter options.
In contrast to fireworks, you’ll likely only need to ignite your fire pit only once however having a reliable fire starter that is reliable every time (especially when it’s windy) can make a huge difference in time and hassle.
The basic light bulbs that are disposable as well as the higher-end Zippotype aren’t able to perform very well in the wind, but can be used in the appropriate conditions.
Matches certainly pose the same challenges However, just like lighters they can be a viable alternative in the event of a need.
Personally, I’d prefer an alternative like electronic arcor plasma beam lighter and a torch lighter made of butane to light an outdoor fire pit. Both of them work well in conditions of wind or other conditions and shouldn’t cost a lot of budget.
The thing is, most the lighters aren’t very top-quality even those with higher prices. However, when they work they generally work well..
For lighters that are electric arc-type choose lighters that are at the lower end of the price spectrum, searching for multipacks (around $15 to $20 per multipack). Make them an item that can be thrown away, since that’s what they’re really.
If you don’t like those you can opt for an torch lighter made of butane is an effective and usually inexpensive firestarter choice. However, just like the plasma and electric arc beam lighters, the majority of butane torch lighters available on the market aren’t good enough either.
There are a couple of shining spots in the sea of poorly-made butane torch lighters I’ve come across and one of them is one produced by Dremel(the Rotary tool maker) This is an item called the Dremel 2200-01 Multi-Function Butane Torch (check for price and availability at Amazon).
It comes with the Dremel trademark, nine-piece accessories kit with a 2 year warranty as well as the fact that it could be employed for a variety of other household-related tasks, aside from lighting the fire pit, it’s hard to beat it for its cost.
Blazer also produces a good torch lighter made of butane that’s worth the price. You’ll pay a bit more for their options and are generally regarded as sturdy and reliable and they’ll give you a more extensive selection of models to choose from.
Starting, Maintaining, and Putting Out the Fire
If you’ve got all the materials that you require to set up the fire in your fire pit, you are able to begin the process of placing your tinder, your kindling and seasoned firewood exactly the right place to ignite your fire and to keep it burning. Let’s walk through the steps step-by-step…
How to Start a Fire Pit Fire
- Set up a pile of fire-starting materials in the middle within the fireplace pit. It should be approximately the size of the size of an adult’s fist.
- Make a teepee frame using your firewood placed directly over the pile of tinder at the center around the fireplace. placing the twigs and sticks close to each other, leaving enough space to allow airflow and light.
- Then, locate the gap between your firewood and then light the tinder with the fire starter of your choice.
- If the wood begins to smoke it is then time to start with the placement of your dry or seasoned burning wood into the pit for burning.The place to put firewood should be an teepee, log cabin or pyramid stack which offers a concentrated source of firewood but with sufficient spacing and gaps that allow for an adequate flow of air.
- Include additional tinder and kindling depending on the requirements in the event that your primary source of fuel, your seasoned firewood, fails to get lit and then begin to begin to
Putting Out Your Fire Pit Fire
- After the party’s nearly over put out the wood for the flame and allow it to leave in its own way.When you have given the flame enough time to cool remove the flames adding either Sand to put out the flame or drinking water in order to wash the charcoal .
- If you opt for the water option stirring the mix of water and embers using the help of a shovel or similar device to ensure that the embers are completely saturated.
- Make sure that pets and children are kept away from the fire pit, as there are still hazards from burning embers, hot metal and the like.
Conclusion: How to Start a Fire Pit
As with many things beginning the fire pit properly and maintaining it requires time and practice. Keep practicing and you’ll be able to figure out the best results while ensuring safety.
Once you’ve got the procedure in place, begin to accumulate the items you’ll require so you’re prepared for when the urge to light the fire pit strikes.
Make sure safety is at the forefront and be sure to include the essential safety equipments mentioned (water supply and log tongs, safety gloves and so on.) during your fire pit activities.
Set these items aside in a kit that you could break out in a snap without having to go through your shed or garage to find them all.
Take a look at my collection of 21 “Gotta-Have” Fire Pit Accessories to use for your next Backyard Firepit for more information on important fire pit safety equipment and more.
Make sure that the fire pit (if it’s a portable one) is placed on an even surface and well away from objects you don’t wish to burn.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to put your fire pit in a safe manner read my blog post on how to Set on the Fire Pit Burning Wood.
Have fun with your fireplace and thank you again for taking the time to read!
Related Questions
What are some great alternatives to kindling if you don’t want to walk around through the woods picking up sticks, or live in a rural region? A popular kindling alternative, especially if you don’t need to make your hands filthy it’s pre-boxed in fatwood kindling.
Fatwood is the main rich in resin byproduct of the taproot of the longleaf variety and other varieties of pine. The naturally occurring resin is a source of the extremely flammable substance terpene that is extremely beneficial in the start of wood fires.
An alternative is to look through your supplier of firewood and inquire if they have softwood with properties comparable to fatwood. It is possible to find cedar, spruce, juniper, and fir are a few examples.
What kinds of firewood is the hardest to get started with? The oak and the beech varieties are two of the most common firewood options throughout North America, but both aren’t easy to begin.
In the end that, both types of fires burn warm as well as long when ignited. Keep plenty of softwood that is quick-burning and kindling around to get both types of firewood burning. The options that were mentioned in the last question are excellent options.
Alongside the making fire, there are also many highly efficient commercial fire-starter items that get hot and last long enough to get the stubborn-lighting fire pit wood burning to a high level.
InstaFire (company URL) is one, and is probably the most efficient according to my experience. Around 2 tablespoons can accomplish the task in ideal conditions (i.e. dry, no or little winds, etc.) However, you can double that number in the event of humid weather, wind and wood that’s not properly seasoned or other wood.
Pro Tip: Store Instafire in a pile , so it’s in a concentrated area and is up against the wood you have in the stack. Don’t disperse it or scatter it over the top of the firewood stack , or it will reduce its effectiveness.
Another good fire-starter alternative is the ones by Melt as my second option (link for Amazon). I had doubts in them before I purchased them, but I am pleasantly surprised at how well they performed.
The only options in the local hardware store, so I took a risk. They burn quickly and offer sufficient time to ignite most wood in the most optimal conditions.
What should be done with ashes from my fire pit after they’ve gone through the cooling process? When your fire pit’s remains have had time to cool over a two-three days period, they are able to be disposed of using the normal garbage pickup at your local.
Make sure that the ashes are completely cool before you transfer them to bags or containers that are disposable.
Also, ash from the fire pit can be used around the house and in the garden to help defrost driveway and sidewalk ice during the winter months and also employed in gardens in the summer months because of its potassium and lime amount.
Artichokes, tomatoes and broccoli, along with other options for gardeners, could benefit from ash thanks to its alkaline content.
The roar of a fireplace burning into the late hours of the night is the perfect way to relax and enjoy your time after a tiring day, or just to extend the time for family and friends to gather. Beautiful and cozy the fire pit could transform your backyard from a boring one into a relaxing and welcoming space to create warm memories.
A fire pit can be a wonderful feature for any backyard and provides a variety of designs and styles that include wood-burning propane, natural gas-fueled fire pits. Each has its own unique way of lighting a fire.
Learning how to properly ignite an fire in a pit is vital for keeping yourself and the people who are around you secure.
Safely Prepare the Fire Pit Area
Before you attempt to ignite any fire, you should check with your local regulations to find the fire pit rules. Make sure you’re setting up your fire pit in a safe manner so that the people near and around aren’t at risk. To avoid injuries and fires should be the top priority when you are setting up the fire in a pit.
This is where you are: Home / Fire Pits How to start a fire inside a fire Pit (Step through Step)
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How to Start a Fire in a Fire Pit (Step by Step)
The roar of a fireplace that burns all night long could be the perfect method to unwind in the evening after a tiring day, or just to extend your family or friends’ gathering. Beautiful and cozy A fire pit can transform a boring backyard into a fun and welcoming setting for making memories.
A fire pit is an excellent option for any backyard. It provides a variety of styles and designs that include wood-burning propane, natural gas-fueled fire pits. Each one has its own distinct way of lighting a fire.
Knowing how to ignite an fire in a pit is essential to ensure that you and others who are around you secure.
Table of Contents
Safely Prepare the Fire Pit Area
Before you attempt to ignite any fire, you should check with your local regulations to find your fire pit’s regulations. Make sure you’re properly setting up to ensure that those close by and the surrounding area are not placed in danger. Prevention of injuries and fires must be the top priority when you are setting up an fire in a pit.
Follow these safety guidelines when you start the fire in your pit:
- The fire pit should be leveled: Make sure that the fire pit is the level ground. Particularly if you have an outdoor fire pit that is elevated above the ground, this will make sure that it won’t tip over, spilling dangerous materials in the event of a fire.
- A safe ground material and surface Also, it is important to make sure that this level ground is made from something that is fire resistant. It is not advisable to start the fire in a place with lots of grass, or any other objects that could be potentially flammable. It is suggested to construct your fire pit on solid materials like brick or concrete which won’t ignite when sparks or flames come near the material (Source: HomeAdvisor).
- Maintain a distance from buildings as well as structures. The best rule is to set the fire pit at least of 10 feet away from any structure (Source: Smokey Bear). Additionally fire pits should not be set under branches of trees where embers can get up and catch the flames.
- Close to water sources: You should have an outdoor the hose, or a bucket full of water ready in case you have to put out the fire in the case in the event of an emergency.
- Fire pit screens: If your fire pit has screens, it will be best to make use of it in all times. It still generates plenty of heat and energy to the ones who enjoy it however it does not let flammable or embers to escape your fire pit.
- Maintain your distance: Chairs surrounding the fire pit must be placed at a safe distance so that , in the event the chair falls over, no one is at risk of falling into the flame.
- Children to watch: A fire is an extremely exciting and enticing activity for children who are young. Be sure to keep watch whenever they are near an open flame and never allow them to be near the fire.
- Never leave a burning fire unattended A lot of the safety dangers that are mentioned above are avoidable when an adult supervises the fire throughout the day. The fire must be monitored until it can be safely cleared out at the conclusion of the night.
These safety precautions are essential to protect and prepare the event that a fire is being constructed or ignited. Reading these safety guidelines with everyone who is near the flame beforehand can help ensure that guests are more cautious when it comes to preparing and following the rules.
Gathering Materials for a Fire Pit
Once you have your fire pit set on level the ground and placed at away from objects or structures which could be dangerous We can begin the process of building a fire by gathering the required materials. We’ll show you the process of building an old-fashioned fire pit by hand, which is a valuable technique to be able to use for as well as creating flames outside in wild.
The following are the four primary components that you require to begin the fire:
- The Fire StartersThe primary types used to start fires include matches and lighters, but there are many more options there. A torch lighter that is butane can be a reliable method of getting the flames up and running in a short period of time. Arc Lighters are also another alternative to think about because they are rechargeable and environmentally friendly. Be sure that they aren’t accessible to children at all times.
- TinderThis energy source is crucial to your firebecause it is able to easily ignite. Tinder can be anything from dry newspaper, grass leaves, bark of trees, leaves and straw. The most important thing is to ensure these items are dry to ensure they won’t quickly catch the fire. This is the smallest component of your fire as it only requires just a little bit to light the other elements ( The source is SS Fire Pits).
- KindlingThe substance that captures the flame from the tinder is the material known as kindling. It’s composed of tiny dry sticks that don’t exceed 1 inch in diameter. The length of the kindling ranges between 5 and 8 inches (Source: Merchants and Makers). The reason that you need your kindling to be thin is because it has to be able to be able to quickly catch fire. When it is too slow for it to catch fire, it won’t be as efficient.
- The firewoodThe foundation of your fire is dry wood. Be sure to not gather any wet or green wood (Source: The Yucatan Times)! The kind of wood you choose to gather is completely dependent on the individual. Certain kinds of firewood will burn hotter and last longer than other types like oak. Oak, for example has a very hot burn and lasts much more as pine. The size of the wood you choose to use should be determined on the dimensions the firepit, but typically, it will be 16 inches long. To organize your firewood it is possible to consider an wood rack for your firewood.
The quantity of items you will gather will depend on the dimensions of the fire pit and also the length of time you’ll need to burn. Tinder and sortling will only be required to ignite the firewood. A supply of additional firewood can keep the fire going in the event of an addition.
Lighting the Fire Pit
After the material has been collected, you are able to begin building the design to ignite the fire. There are many ways of building an outdoor firepit, however they all adhere to the same fundamentals.
Here are steps needed to arrange the fire pit’s materials to provide efficient lighting:
- Place the fire tinder in the middle of the fire pit.The the tinder must be crushed and roughly as big as your hand. Then, you will light the fire at the bottom of the pit, allowing the tinder to burn and hold the sparks.
- Select the firewood’s location: After the tinder is placed in the proper position and the tinder is in place, it’s time to place the wood in the fireplace. The three most well-known fire pits are the Teepee, Log Cabin (Criss Cross) as well as the Lean-to. The final decision on the most effective layout is up to you. The layout will determine the placement of the kindling as well as wood for fire:
- Teepee fire: Place your kindling in a teepee with the tinder right underneath the center in your Teepee. Create an opening in the teepee. This is where you will light the tinder, while also allowing oxygen to help fuel the fire. When the fire starts to burn, the tinder is able to add fire with wood (Source: Instinct Survivalist).
- The HTML0 log Cabin The fire The layout follows the exact arrangement for kindling and tinder as of the Teepee style, however, to place the wood start by laying two pieces of wood that are parallel to one another using your Teepee directly in the middle. Then, lay two additional pieces of kindling parallel to the two pieces of wood creating the shape of a square. Continue the procedure until you have three different layers (Source: Survival Dispatch).
- The Lean To:This approach is perfect when there is a breeze or breeze. Place a firewood piece in your fire pit parallel to the direction from which you are getting wind. Then , place your tinder in front of the firewood, making sure that it’s at the center the fire pit. After that, you can place the tinder at an angle such that it’s touching both the firewood and the pit, and it is placed directly beneath (Source: Canadian Bushcraft).
- Lighting tinder: Once you have built your layout, take care to reach inside and light the tinder. Be careful when lighting the tinder, particularly when it is difficult to reach. It shouldn’t pose the risk of immediate danger after lighting however, ensure that there is there is no hair or clothing that can be snared when you lighting.
- Adjust the wood’s placement When it starts to dim, you could discover that placing a poker around the firewood will aid in making the kindling get the best chances of exposure for wood. This is only recommended in the event of a need to do so. Adjustments are only recommended in cases where the position is creating a risk for safety by falling from the fire pit or being too near to its edge.
- Add firewood When the fire is beginning to burn the kindling you can add the firewood in smaller quantities. This helps ensure that you don’t choke the flame with oxygen. It will be apparent that you need for additional firewood when you see an ember bed that is red hot. This is your cue to increase the amount of firewood you have, or else you could risk burning out the flame.
- Set up a your fire pit’s cover If there is an outdoor fire pit cover, it should be kept on to protect the fire and to ensure the safety of others. Cover it whenever you’re not you add firewood or make any necessary adjustments.
The process will be identical each time you light the fire. Try different lighting techniques to find the one that is the most secure and efficient in your pit.
Safely Putting Out the Fire
After a relaxing evening or party is coming to the end, you’ll need to know the best method of putting out the fire. It is crucial to let the firewood in the pit to melt down to the point of ashes. Allow for an hour for this process to happen and avoid adding any more firewood to allow the wood to begin cooling.
For fire pits that are most common are required to refer to the manual of your owner in this procedure because certain manufacturers suggest to allow the fire to burn completely on its own without the water (Source: BackyardToasty). Give the pit’s fire to cool before adding water to the rest of the charcoal since the hot metal could cause cracks in the fire pit.
- Include water. Once your fire pit has sunk to ashes and you’ve allowed the time to cool then you can begin adding water slowly into your fire pit. While pouring it in, you might hear sounds of burning and smouldering sounds, which is normal. In addition, adding water is a safety measure to ensure the fire doesn’t keep burning when you leave the pit without supervision.
- Mix the damp ashes. To make sure that the ashes are completely cooled and are not able to burn, stir the ashes with a shovel ensure that every spark in the ashes has been submerged. This will ensure that the flame in your fire pit is properly taken out. The last step is to check the area to check the presence of any ash or embers that have quit in the pit. Particularly without a lid, they can end up on the ground.
Cleaning the Fire Pit After a Fire
The cleaning of the fire pits is an essential last step to be carried out after each use. This includes:
- Eliminate wet embers:Have an iron bucket that has a lid to remove burning embers. This will ensure there isn’t any danger to the area surrounding it and also ensures that the fire pit is kept tidy.
- Gather up the surrounding materials:Keep extra tinder, wood, and kindling in a dry, secure area that you will be able to reach for the next time you need to light a fire. All fire-starters and materials that are flammable should be kept in a secure place and away from pets and children.
- Cover fire pits:If you can it is possible to place a cover over the fire pit with a metal or a cover after you leave it outdoors. This stops the burning embers from causing the yard messy and makes it easier to wash the remnants on the following day.
Making sure that a fire is put out properly is as vital as lighting it, due to the dangers associated with not securing the fire when it is time to end a great evening!
Other Fire Pit Options
If making the fire from scratch inside your pit seems a bit complicated and time-consuming it is possible to opt for a more simple alternative. The fire pits are powered with natural gas or propane instead of wood. These can be more expensive than wood in the long run however they provide more convenience and don’t need to worry about clean-up.
- Propane. Propane fire pits are ignited by pressing the button. While they might not be able to provide the same amount of heat as a wood-burning fire pits, they are very simple to operate. However filling up bottles can be quite expensive when compared to equivalents made of natural gas. Natural gas prices are one-sixth the cost of propane in certain regions in the United States. (Source: HGTV).
- Natural gas. As opposed to propane fire pits, natural gas fire pits are powered via a gas line which is why professional installation is needed. This limits the places where you can set up the fire pit within your backyard. When you’ve got a pre-determined area that is suitable for the gas line and flow of your yard, fire pits could help you save money and time without the need to fill up tanks.
These gas options are becoming increasingly popular for fire pits due to their convenience as well as the advantages of not releasing materials in the air. There is no need be smelling like wood as well as the carbon footprint becomes lower (Source: Propane North Carolina). With their cool-colored rocks and distinctive design features They can also make an attractive feature piece for your backyard.
Keys to Starting a Fire in A Fire Pit
Setting up an fire in a pit can be a thrilling and enjoyable experience as it is done in accordance with the proper safety precautions before the fire, throughout, and even following the fire. U.S. fire departments respond to more than 1 million fires annually Most of which involve residential properties (Source: National Fire Protection Association). Be extra careful when you build an outdoor fire pit in your backyard is essential to prevent more serious injuries and accidents.
Although fires pose serious risks having a plan in place will aid in preventing fires, but also enable you to react quickly in the event of an emergency. A water source nearby can be extremely helpful in an incident involving a small fire pit. If the fire gets too big and challenging to control and spreads to other areas, call an emergency fire service. In the process of putting out an enormous fire could put yourself and others at risk.
With these safety guidelines with a clear consideration, fireplaces can be an great additions to outdoor gatherings to hang out, cooking marshmallows, and keeping warm during long nights with friends and family.
If your fire pit serves as an outdoor cooking space or just a way to divert your attention Many people love spending the evening sitting by an open flame in a fire pit. Be sure to take safety precautions when you are building your fire to prevent injury that could be serious and unnecessary. The process of igniting an fire in a pit is easy. Once you understand the fundamentals of setting an open flame as well as keeping it going the fire will burn happily.
Step 1
Make sure you have the tinder, the fuel, and the kindling you’ll require to start your fire. Some examples of tinder are newspapers, pine needles that are dry and straw. Kindling typically consists of twigs or thin sticks. The fuel is the largest wood that keeps the fire burning. It has to remain dry (old wood) and not green in order to be able to burn effectively in a flame, however. You’ll need about an armful of tinder and sparking, as well as sufficient fuel for keeping the flame burning for the time you’d like. One large dry log can be burning for about 45 minutes in the average.
Step 2
Start the fire with the tinder. Set a handful or two of tinder into the middle of the pit. Put the four or five pieces of firewood over the fire in a teepee-like fashion (arranging your sticks in a circle around the fire, with the sticks touching at the top of the fire).
Step 3
Light a match , then ignite the fire in the tinder. Be amazed as the flames of the tinder rise up to the kindling, and then set the kindling to catch fire.
Step 4
Incorporate the smallest pieces of fuel to the flame once the kindling is hot. Make sure to place the fuel on the fire , over the kindling. The kindling will collapse over the tinder, which will cause hot embers that keep the flame burning.
Step 5
Incorporate additional pieces of fuel to help the smaller pieces of fuel heat up. If the flames start to fade you can add more tinder or igniters to maintain the flames within the area of the fuel, until it ignites.
Step 6
Keep an eye on the fire constantly to ensure the safety of everyone and ensure it continues be burning effectively. If the flame is fading then add more kindling and fuel. If the flame grows bigger than you want allow it to die down without adding fuel until it’s smaller.
Step 7
Let the fire slowly burn out, beginning about an hour prior to the time you wish to take it down. Do not add fuel to the flame at this point. Cover the flame with sand, or dirt until only flames remain.
Are you aware of how to light the fire?
As we enter the bitterly cold winter months, this is the ideal moment to get your family and friends around a fire pit to enjoy an evening of warmth and good moments. However, before you take pleasure in the warm, smoky glow, you must take one essential step to take -the actual start of an fire that will last for a long time.
If you’ve never set off an appropriate fire, specifically in a fire pit that is self-contained you may be surprised to discover there’s something more to it than lighting a candle and watching wood burn to ashes. It’s not too difficult however, it takes the right amount of love and attention to create an unintentionally hot fire that doesn’t pour out smoke that burns all night long.
Step One: Sort everything out
Before you get started, especially in an area that is suburban in Australia It’s recommended to confirm the legality of having the fire pit in your backyard. Read the article on how you can make sure that you’re doing the right thing.
The process of starting a fire inside the fire pit requires three essential elements:
* Tinder
* Kindling
* Fuel
Tinder is can be easily ignited to start things up. Think of newspaper dry leaves, straw. It is also possible to use lighter fluid or fire starters in this case if you’ve got it, but that’s a form of being a cheater.
Kindling is the term used to describe thin sticks or twigs that burn quickly to get things going.
Fuelis the fuel that keeps your fire going -that is, your dry, old wood split logs. It’s crucial for your logs to be dry or seasoned because this will help you have a hot, clean fire, and also reduces smoke. Actually, with well-seasoned wood you could be smoke-free when everything is lit.
A large piece of firewood can last for about 45 minutes or more.
It’s a good idea to have one armful of fire, or even a tin of kindling. You can also purchase kindling bags at Bunnings that don’t need the use of tinder, if you’re not located in an area with dead twigs.
Step Two: Construct Your Fire
Begin by laying down your tinder, and then lay down your tinder and then layer it over your tinder. Do not place everything in one go; you’ll need some later. Lay the typeling into a rough pattern on the paper, or in small twigs.
It’s crucial to make sure there’s enough space between the small piece of kindling at this point. The first stage in the beginning of the fire produce enough heat to fully ignite the flame and that requires a steady circulation of oxygen.
Step Three: Hey baby, ignite your fire!
Make a match, and ignite the spark. It will begin to burn fairly quickly. When the tinder is burning it will begin to rise from the tinder, and smaller pieces of tinder will begin to catch fire.
If at this point, you notice tiny coals form on the tiniest portions of your wood and you begin to hear the crackling sounds of wood beginning to burn, then you’re in good position. Do not touch the fire at this stage It just requires time to gain energy and heat.
Step Four: Layer Your Fuel
Include your smallest bit of wood to the fire once the kindling begins to burn. Then, place it back in a teepee form to ensure that there’s ample airflow in and around your wood pieces. Don’t be too surprised if it seems to collapse as it helps create sparks and keeps the fire burning for longer.
As the smallest of your fuels burns then you can add bigger chunks of wood.
The teepee arrangement for the fuel is vital. It is important to allow airflow underneath the fuel, so that flames are able to combust and continue to burn longer. If you place the fuel on top of the flame, you’ll be able to choke it, and then burn out your flames.
Step Five: Keep an Eye Out and Stoke the Flames
Once the fire is burning well and properly then the real work begins.
Be on the lookout for any embers that are missing or when the flames begin to grow too large. The use of a high-quality fireplace that is portable is crucial too. Security is the most crucial factor when working around fire. If the flame grows too large allow it to burn down.
If the flame begins to slow down, before you’d like it to, make use of the tinder you have left and other kindling to fuel it. Make sure to add fuel only after the fires are up to a reasonable size; the fuel needs a large, larger, and hotter flame to start burning, and you’re more likely to burn through your fire trying to start adding fuel too soon.
Step Six: Put out the flames
You should let your fire go out for an hour prior to putting it out. Do not put any fuel in the fire for more than an hour after you decide to go home.
After about an hour after that, the fire should be reduced to sparks. Utilize dirt and sand to put out the flame. Avoid using water. This can cause damage to your fire pit, produce steam, and not be as reliable as a reliable shovelling. If there is no dirt You can buy bags of dirt that is clean or sand from a local hardware shop for less than a dollar.
Here’s the thing! It’s not as easy as people think , but it’s certainly not rocket science. Make sure to take your time to build the fire in layers, and be sure to keep an eye on it. You’ll be sitting by a warm burning fire in no time at your fire pit in the backyard.