These Top Big companies hold most businesses in the world. but you might have never heard of these. From paper to internet these companies own many businesses.
A british company of market cap $44.2 billion. Fewer people in UK are aware of this. This company is also known as Scientist Magazines in 2017.
This company pivoted to provide commercial, scientific and legal data and analytic tools. It also has enormous event business. Switching to analytics and diversifying its busines. RELX managed to avoid being out dated and remained a leading UK business. RELX can be found on many FISE and ETFs.
Ingtam Micro.
This is the world’s largest wholesale technology distributor. Producing computer, printers, storage devices, software etc. suppling to the likes of IMB, Nokia, Microsoft and Intel products.
This company founded in 1979. This business has a revenu of $55.5 billion in 2021. Ingram Micro exists between manufactures and distributors. so no real interest in advertising to public.
This company also has a very successful supply chain business.
Altria Group.
Altria is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of tobacco products. They operate world wide. Altria Group has an income of $21 billion in 2021. Company owns Marlboro cigarettes, Kraft foods and Maxwell House coffee. Born during rebranding of Phillip Morris Companies in 2003. This company managed to distance itself from its tobacco heritage.
You wont find Altria in many ESG ETFS even tho they operate in very high level. This is an example of a business gaining relative anonymity through rebranding.
You may have heard about this company. In fact, you’ll find it on Nasdaq listed as GOOGLE. But still, this company is unheard of by many. This is a parent company of Google as it has various subsidiaries. These include Fitbit, Waze, Nest, and Youtube. People all around the world know these names. Very few know they all come under one parent company. This company is featured on many ETFs.
Another one in the top big companies list. Many people be aware fo this company. But in US very few know they daily interact with this company. Cargill is largest privately held corporation in terms of revenue. They brought a staggering 114.7 billion in 2018. Founded in 1865 this company is truly a giant in it power and reach.
Cargill is world’s largest food business. It is often criticized for practices seen as unethical. Because this is a privately held company you wont be able to buy stocks in Caegill. It is also not included in any ETSs for that reason.
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